Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Top 10 Cool Google Tricks, How to Set Auto Reply Status on Google talk or Gtalk

Today I am going to discuss about 10 really cool and funny google tricks.

google tricks

1. Google gravity

Open google.com, Type Google Gravity in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.Feel the effect of gravity on google. All page components will fall down due to gravity.

2. Epic Google

Open google.com, Type Epic Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

3. Google Hacker

Open google.com, Type Google Hacker in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

4. Annoying Google

Open google.com, Type Annoying Google in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

5. Meaning Of Search For Google

Open google.com, Type search in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

6. Loneliest Number

Open google.com, Type loneliest number in the search box and click on Search button. Find out which number is the loneliest number according to google.

7. Meaning Of Recursion

Open google.com, Type Recursion in the search box and click on search button. You can notice Did You Mean: Recursion text on top of results and it is recursively linked to the same page.

8. Google Loco

Open google.com, Type Google loco in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button.

9. The number of horns on a unicorn

Open google.com, Type number of horns on a unicorn in the search box and click on search button.

10. Chuck Norris

Open google.com, Type Find Chuck Norris in the search box and click on I’m feeling Lucky button. Google won’t search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don’t find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

How to Set Auto Reply Status on Google talk or Gtalk

Many Times it happens that you are busy with some work or is not sitting in front of your computer but your google talk or gtalk is open. Gtalk autoreply is a small tool which is quite useful in such scenario. It can be used to set auto reply on your gtalk or google talk. When you set auto reply using Gtalk Autoreply and anyone pings you the tool will send him the auto reply message. It does not voluntarily send this message to every friend but just replies to those who ping you.

set auto reply in gtalk

You just need to download the software and install it. Then run the utility from the desktop icon and then enter your gtalk account username and password and fill the message you want to be send to your friends when they ping you. Now click save and enable autoreply and it will get enabled.

auto reply google talk

Now after activating it, if any of your friend ping you he will receive the auto reply message. In order to close the auto reply feature you simple need to close the application.

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